Psychotic disorders include mental illnesses in which those affected lose touch with reality. Thinking and feeling as well as one's own perception of oneself and others changes. Learn more about psychotic disorders in the following blog post.
The Corona pandemic and the associated restrictions and regulations place a heavy burden on the human psyche. Patients affected by anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders suffer particularly from the situation, as their symptomatology is strongly influenced by internal and external stress. Learn more in our blog post.
Negative thoughts can torment us quite a bit. In the worst cases, they can rob us of our sleep, our concentration and our joy of life. However, there are some strategies that can help us deal with our bad thoughts properly.
The Corona Pandemic has changed our world - contact restrictions, curfews and limitations on leisure activities define our lives. The psyche of humanity is under constant strain. Above all, people with mental illness suffer particularly from the exceptional situation.
An anxiety disorder exists when the person affected experiences fear reactions in situations that are actually harmless and harmless. In panic disorders, patients suffer from frequent panic attacks. People with generalised anxiety disorder are almost constantly afraid. Learn more about generalised anxiety disorder in our blog post.