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Private clinic for personality disorders

We perceive you as a person in your entirety

Our personal characteristics determine how we behave, perceive, and feel and make us the unique people we are. Whether empathic, independent, perfectionist, vulnerable, impulsive, or flexible – all characteristics together form our very own personality. However, suppose a deeply rooted pattern of experience and action expresses itself in various private but also professional life situations as a seemingly unchangeable reaction. In that case, a personality disorder or a personality accentuation is present, which can lead to a pressure of suffering for those affected or their relatives and severely impair everyday life and leisure time.

The ability to draw emotional and constructive as well as further conclusions from specific experiences and to let one’s own understanding and feelings develop coherently for oneself and others is often severely limited in those affected by a personality disorder or is restricted with forced energy to specific constricted areas of life.

For family and friends, it is usually apparent which behaviors would need to be changed to solve the problems; however, affected individuals often exhibit a distorted self-perception and therefore have difficulty reflectively viewing their own attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. This can lead to problems in interpersonal relationships and addictive disorders or aggressive behavior that can also result from a personality disorder. Therefore, getting professional and quick help when symptoms occur is essential. Contact us now without obligation Tel: +49 3996 140490.


Personality disorder sufferers can encounter a wide variety of problems and complaints:

  • Increasing inner and outer vulnerability
  • Limitations of interpersonal relationships
  • Difficulty in career progression
  • Emotional and social isolation and withdrawal
  • Compulsive personality disorders such as perfectionism
  • Other concomitant mental and psychosomatic disorders
  • Sliding into addictive disorders or substitute behaviors

Types of personality disorders

Common personality disorders include:

  • Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder
  • Compulsive (anancastic) personality disorder
  • Histrionic personality disorder
  • Anxious (avoidant) personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Persistent personality change following extreme trauma
  • Borderline: emotionally unstable personality disorder
Chief physician
Dr. Kjell R. Brolund-Spaether Chief physician

“As a rule, the problems of those affected by personality disorders have existed since early childhood or adolescence and are often regarded as unchangeable. The first important step in therapy is to create motivation for change and to set achievable small-step goals. Our personality disorder experts emphasize empathic and trusting cooperation to achieve the set goals together. We look forward to your call!”

Holistic treatment concept for personality disorders

Each clinical picture requires different treatment approaches. Therefore, a clearly established diagnosis by our specialist experts at the beginning of therapy is essential – only then can the therapy plan be tailored entirely to you and the apparent personality disorder be established. In high-frequency psychotherapy, we then work together to change the specific stressful behaviors and thoughts in such a way that the affected person can better cope with interpersonal problems and everyday conflicts.

The focus is by no means on an overall change in personality. Instead, work is also done on sustainably changing a distorted self-perception and perception of others. Different methods, such as mindfulness therapy or art and body therapy techniques, support the success of the therapy. Your individual treatment plan enables you to achieve sustainable therapy success in everyday life as well.

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