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Private clinic for psychoses

When the boundaries between reality and one’s own perception become blurred

Suffering from psychosis means for an affected person that his perception of reality is sometimes not congruent with the perception of other people. However, the affected person is absolutely convinced of the truth of his perceived “reality” and does not allow himself to be dissuaded from it.

This condition is frightening for those affected and often triggers deep despair. They therefore withdraw and may take refuge in supposed relaxation with the help of addictive substances such as alcohol or other drugs. Unfortunately, this consumption of addictive substances usually leads to an intensification of the already existing symptoms. Sufferers very often and stubbornly reject offers of help so that adequate treatment of psychosis often begins late. Learn more in our patient information on the topic of psychosis. We are here for you – Get help early at +49 3996 140490.

Psychosis symptoms

People who experience psychosis are often afraid and feel threatened.
Due to their illness, they lose the ability to correctly assess the intentions of others or to grasp obvious connections. Much around them seems to happen for no reason. Some hear voices that threaten and hurt them. For relatives and friends, the familiar person is “no longer himself”

If psychosis occurs for the first time, neither the affected person nor the relatives know the signs and acute symptoms. Therefore, they often do not seek professional help.

Roughly, the main symptoms of psychosis can be divided into positive, negative, cognitive, and ego disorders.

Causes of psychoses

Psychoses are assumed to have a multifactorial origin, i.e., various factors (biological-genetic and psychosocial factors) interact. General causes that apply to every affected person have not yet been found. In principle, anyone can develop a psychosis – some people, however, are more susceptible to its development than others due to their genetic predisposition.

A commonly used explanatory and treatment model is based on the vulnerability-stress model, which refers to the susceptibility to respond to stressors with psychotic symptoms. Personal risk factors are identified with the therapist, and alternative stress management strategies are learned to facilitate long-term stability.

 chief physician
Dr. Kjell R. Brolund-Spaether chief physician

“The prospects for treatment are good if psychosis is detected at an early stage. At our private clinic, we work with you to create an individualized treatment plan tailored to your needs.”

Holistic treatment concept for psychosis

Early recognition of psychosis is important. Scientific evidence shows that when psychotic behavior develops, there may be changes in the behavior and personality structure of the affected person up to five years in advance. Irrational fears, strong distrust, social withdrawal, depressive moods, aggressiveness and irritability, and increased interest in the magical can be classic early warning signs of psychosis. In any case, if possible, an appropriate specialist should be consulted already at the first doubts. A trusting therapeutic relationship forms the foundation of a goal-oriented treatment, whereby cognitive psychotherapies are used in addition to antipsychotics.

Psychosocial therapy helps to bring about positive changes in experience and behavior. It focuses on improving personal problem-solving skills and strengthening the patient’s social competence. This form of therapy can already help in the acute phase to better manage the disease. In the stabilization and remission phase, it is primarily used to prevent a relapse and to return to everyday life.

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